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Hi! I am Melanie, founder and owner of Hidentity Management. I was born and raised in Eindhoven and completed the bachelor Hotel and Event Management cum laude in July 2020.

For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of running my own business, to be precise, my own hotel. In my spare time, I am often trying to find the best ‘Instagram spots’ to take my feed to the next level. I work in a very structured way and I like to plan and organize things.

During the Hotel and Event Management training, myself and others notice that I am very creative and ambitious. I also developed my passion for event styling during my higher professional education.

In July 2020 I decided to make my dream come true and start my first company: Hidentity Management. Hopefully I can be of service to you someday!

“My key to success? Give yourself permission to create without inhibition!”

"Melanie is an extremely capable and well organised young professional with great creative insights."

VAT-id: NL003387098B90 | Chamber of Commerce: 80021476 | E: [email protected]

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